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to mend

  • 1 mend

    mend улучшение (здоровья, дел); to be on the mend идти на поправку, улучшаться to mend one's ways исправиться; it is never too late to mend посл. исправиться никогда не поздно mend заштопанная дырка, заделанная трещина mend исправлять, чинить; штопать; латать; ремонтировать (дорогу и т. п.) mend исправлять mend ремонтировать mend улучшать(ся); поправляться (о здоровье); to mend the fire подбросить топлива; to mend one's pace прибавить шагу mend улучшать mend улучшение (здоровья, дел); to be on the mend идти на поправку, улучшаться mend чинить mend улучшать(ся); поправляться (о здоровье); to mend the fire подбросить топлива; to mend one's pace прибавить шагу pace: mend шаг, походка, поступь; to put on pace прибавить шагу; to mend one's pace ускорять шаг; pace of the warp текст. ход основы to mend one's ways исправиться; it is never too late to mend посл. исправиться никогда не поздно mend or end либо исправить, либо положить конец; = полумерами делу не поможешь; that won't mend matters это делу не поможет mend улучшать(ся); поправляться (о здоровье); to mend the fire подбросить топлива; to mend one's pace прибавить шагу mend or end либо исправить, либо положить конец; = полумерами делу не поможешь; that won't mend matters это делу не поможет

    English-Russian short dictionary > mend

  • 2 mend

    1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) arreglar
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) curarse

    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) remiendo
    mend vb reparar / arreglar
    1 (repair - gen) reparar, arreglar; (sew) coser; (patch) remendar; (darn) zurcir
    can you mend my watch? ¿me puedes arreglar el reloj?
    2 (improve) mejorar
    1 (health) mejorarse, reponerse; (part of body, injury, wound) curarse; (fracture, bone) soldarse
    1 (patch) remiendo; (darn) zurcido
    to be on the mend ir mejorando
    to mend one's ways enmendarse, reformarse
    mend ['mɛnd] vt
    1) correct: enmendar, corregir
    to mend one's ways: enmendarse
    2) repair: remendar, arreglar, reparar
    mend vi
    heal: curarse
    mend n
    : remiendo m
    remiendo s.m.
    zurcido s.m.
    zurcidura s.f. (Amend)
    enmendar v.
    arreglar v.
    parchar v.
    recomponer v.
    reformar v.
    remendar v.
    remontar v.
    reparar v.
    repasar v.
    retradeshacer v.
    (§pres: -hago, -haces...) pret: -hic-
    pp: -hecho
    fut/c: -har-•)
    zurcir v.

    1. mend
    a) ( repair) \<\<garment\>\> coser, arreglar; \<\<shoe\>\> arreglar; \<\<clock/roof\>\> arreglar, reparar

    to mend one's ways — enmendarse*

    vi ( heal) \<\<injury\>\> curarse; \<\<fracture/bone\>\> soldarse*

    noun remiendo m; ( darn) zurcido m

    to be on the mend — (colloq) ir* mejorando, estar* reponiéndose

    N (=patch) remiendo m ; (=darn) zurcido m
    - be on the mend
    2. VT
    1) (=repair) [+ watch, toy, wall] arreglar, reparar; [+ shoes] arreglar; (=darn) remendar, zurcir
    2) (=improve)
    - mend one's ways
    VI (=improve) mejorar
    * * *

    1. [mend]
    a) ( repair) \<\<garment\>\> coser, arreglar; \<\<shoe\>\> arreglar; \<\<clock/roof\>\> arreglar, reparar

    to mend one's ways — enmendarse*

    vi ( heal) \<\<injury\>\> curarse; \<\<fracture/bone\>\> soldarse*

    noun remiendo m; ( darn) zurcido m

    to be on the mend — (colloq) ir* mejorando, estar* reponiéndose

    English-spanish dictionary > mend

  • 3 mend

    I. 1. поправям, ремонтирам, кърпя, закърпвам, изкърпвам
    2. подобрявам (се), възстановявам (се)
    to MEND one's manners/ways поправям си поведението
    it is never too late to MEND никога не e късно да поправиш грешката си
    that won't MEND matters това няма да подобри положението/нещата
    the patient is MENDing болният отива към подобрение
    the weather is MENDing времето се оправя/е на оправяне
    to MEND one's fences поправям отношенията си (with с)
    MEND or end или-или, няма полза от полумерки
    3. прибавям гориво на, стъквам (огъня)
    II. 1. кръпка, запълнена дупка, закърпено място
    2. подобряване, подобрение, възстановяване
    to be on the MEND отивам към подобрение
    * * *
    {mend} v 1. поправям, ремонтирам; кърпя, закърпвам, изкърпвам; 2(2) {mend} n 1. кръпка; запълнена дупка, закърпено място; 2. под
    * * *
    ремонтирам; поправям; възстановяване; възстановявам; възстановявам се; закърпвам; замрежвам; кръпка; кърпя;
    * * *
    1. i. поправям, ремонтирам, кърпя, закърпвам, изкърпвам 2. ii. кръпка, запълнена дупка, закърпено място 3. it is never too late to mend никога не e късно да поправиш грешката си 4. mend or end или-или, няма полза от полумерки 5. that won't mend matters това няма да подобри положението/нещата 6. the patient is mending болният отива към подобрение 7. the weather is mending времето се оправя/е на оправяне 8. to be on the mend отивам към подобрение 9. to mend one's fences поправям отношенията си (with с) 10. to mend one's manners/ways поправям си поведението 11. подобрявам (се), възстановявам (се) 12. подобряване, подобрение, възстановяване 13. прибавям гориво на, стъквам (огъня)
    * * *
    mend [mend] I. v 1. поправям, извършвам поправки на, ремонтирам, правя ремонт на; кърпя, закърпвам, изкърпвам; to \mend up o.'s clothes кърпя си дрехите; to \mend a broken window поставям стъкло на прозорец; 2. подобрявам (се), възстановявам (се); to \mend o.'s manners започвам да се държа по-добре; to \mend o.'s ways поправям поведението си; it is never too late to \mend никога не е късно за нищо; that won't \mend matters това няма да подобри положението; the patient is \mending здравето на болния се подобрява, болният отива към подобрение; the weather is \mending времето се оправя на оправяне); \mend or end или-или; няма полза от полумерки; to \mend the fire усилвам огъня; to \mend o.'s pace ускорявам вървежа си, отварям крачката; least said soonest \mended най-добре да си мълчим, да не ровим; II. n 1. кръпка; запълнена дупка (пукнатина); 2. подобряване, подобрение, възстановяване; to be on the \mend отивам към подобрение, възстановявам се.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > mend

  • 4 mend

    1. сущ.
    1) починка Syn: repair
    2) заштопанная прореха, заделанная трещина
    3) улучшение to be on the mendидти на поправку, улучшаться Syn: improving
    2. гл.
    1) чинить, ремонтировать Syn: repair, treat
    2) а) улучшать(ся) б) поправлятьсяздоровье) ∙ it is never too late to mend посл. ≈ исправиться никогда не поздно mend or end ≈ либо исправить, либо положить конец;
    полумерами делу не поможешь that won't mend mattersэто делу не поможет mend the fire mend one's ways заштопанная дырка, заделанная трещина - the *s were almost invisible починенные места были почти незаметны, штопка была почти не видна улучшение (здоровья, дел и т. п.) - to be on the * идти на лад, идти на поправку, улучшаться чинить, штопать;
    ремонтировать - to * shoes чинить ботинки - to * (up) one's clothes починить одежду - my socks need *ing носки нужно заштопать - to * invisibly производить художественный ремонт, делать художественную штопку - to * a broсken window застеклить разбитое окно - the road was *ed only last week дорогу отремонтировали только на прошлой неделе улучшаться, поправляться (обыкн. о здоровье) - my health is *ing мое здоровье улучшается - the patient is *ing nicely больной быстро поправляется - his leg is *ing его нога заживает улучшить, исправить - to * one's ways /manners/ исправляться, вести себя лучше > to * the /a/ fire подбросить топлива > to * the matter, to * matters помочь делу > it does not * matters to cry, crying will not * matters слезами делу не поможешь > to * one's race прибавить шагу > it is never too late to * (пословица) исправиться никогда не поздно > to * or end либо исправить, либо вовсе оставить;
    полумерами делу не поможешь > latest said, soonest *ed (пословица) словами делу не поможешь;
    слово - серебро, молчание золото ~ улучшение (здоровья, дел) ;
    to be on the mend идти на поправку, улучшаться to ~ one's ways исправиться;
    it is never too late to mend посл. исправиться никогда не поздно mend заштопанная дырка, заделанная трещина ~ исправлять, чинить;
    ремонтировать (дорогу и т. п.) ~ исправлять ~ ремонтировать ~ улучшать(ся) ;
    поправляться (о здоровье) ;
    to mend the fire подбросить топлива;
    to mend one's pace прибавить шагу ~ улучшать ~ улучшение (здоровья, дел) ;
    to be on the mend идти на поправку, улучшаться ~ чинить ~ улучшать(ся) ;
    поправляться (о здоровье) ;
    to mend the fire подбросить топлива;
    to mend one's pace прибавить шагу pace: ~ шаг, походка, поступь;
    to put on pace прибавить шагу;
    to mend one's pace ускорять шаг;
    pace of the warp текст. ход основы to ~ one's ways исправиться;
    it is never too late to mend посл. исправиться никогда не поздно ~ or end либо исправить, либо положить конец;
    = полумерами делу не поможешь;
    that won't mend matters это делу не поможет ~ улучшать(ся) ;
    поправляться (о здоровье) ;
    to mend the fire подбросить топлива;
    to mend one's pace прибавить шагу ~ or end либо исправить, либо положить конец;
    = полумерами делу не поможешь;
    that won't mend matters это делу не поможет

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mend

  • 5 mend

    mend 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) reparere, lappe, stoppe, bøte
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) være på bedringens vei; gro
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) lapp(ing)
    subst. \/mend\/
    1) reparasjon, utbedring
    2) lapp, stopp, reparasjon, reparert sted
    be on the mend være på bedringens vei ( overført) være i ferd med å ordne seg
    verb \/mend\/
    1) reparere, lappe, bøte (klær, seil e.l.), stoppe (strømper), flikke, såle (sko)
    2) bedre, forbedre, rette på, gjøre i stand, utbedre
    3) bedres, forbedre seg
    4) kurere
    5) være på bedringens vei, friskne til, komme seg
    it's never too late to mend det er aldri for seint å begynne et nytt og bedre liv
    least said soonest mended eller little said soon mended jo mindre det sies om den saken, desto bedre
    mend fences bli venner, slutte fred to
    mend matters gjøre noe med saken
    mend oneself bli bedre, forbedre seg
    mend one's manners bedre oppførselen sin, forbedre seg
    mend one's ways ( moralsk) forbedre seg
    mend the fire ( slang) legge mer ved på bålet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > mend

  • 6 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) popraviti
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) popraviti se
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) zakrpa
    * * *
    I [mend]
    popravljanje, popravilo, izboljšanje; zakrpa
    to be on the mend — izboljševati se, popravljati se, na boljše se obračati
    II [mend]
    transitive verb
    popraviti, zakrpati, izboljšati; urediti, pospešiti;
    intransitive verb
    popraviti se, izboljšati se, poboljšati se, ozdraveti
    mend or end!popravi ali odnehaj!
    American to mend ones fences — izgladiti težave, ki so nastale med odsotnostjo

    English-Slovenian dictionary > mend

  • 7 mend

    mend [mend]
       a. ( = repair) réparer ; [+ clothes] raccommoder
       b. [+ marriage] sauver
    [person] se remettre ; [part of body] guérir
    3. noun
    * * *
    [mend] 1.
    1) ( in fabric) ( stitched) raccommodage m; ( darned) reprise f; ( patched) rapiéçage m
    2) fig

    to be on the mend[person] être en voie de guérison; [economy] reprendre; [weather, situation] s'améliorer

    1) ( repair) réparer [object, road]
    2) ( in sewing) ( stitch) raccommoder; ( darn) repriser; ( add patch) rapiécer
    3) ( improve)
    intransitive verb [injury] guérir; [person] se rétablir

    English-French dictionary > mend

  • 8 mend

    mend [mend]
    1. n
    1) зашто́панная ды́рка, заде́ланная тре́щина и т.п.
    2) улучше́ние ( здоровья, дел);

    to be on the mend идти́ на попра́вку, улучша́ться

    2. v
    1) исправля́ть, чини́ть; што́пать; лата́ть; ремонти́ровать ( дорогу и т.п.)
    2) поправля́ть(ся) ( о здоровье)
    3) улучша́ть(ся);

    that won't mend matters э́то де́лу не помо́жет

    to mend the fire подбро́сить то́плива


    to mend one's pace приба́вить ша́гу


    to mend one's ways испра́виться


    it is never too late to mend посл. испра́виться никогда́ не по́здно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > mend

  • 9 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) consertar
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) recuperar
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) remendo
    * * *
    [mend] n 1 remendo. 2 melhoria em modos. • vt+vi 1 consertar, reparar, emendar, remendar. 2 corrigir. 3 melhorar. 4 restabelecer-se. on the mend em estado ou a caminho de melhoria. to mend one’s pace apressar o passo. to mend one’s way corrigir-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mend

  • 10 mend

    [mend] 1. сущ.
    2) заштопанная прореха, заделанная трещина

    to be on the mend — идти на поправку, улучшаться

    2. гл.
    1) чинить, ремонтировать
    а) улучшаться; поправляться ( о здоровье)

    It is never too late to mend. посл. — Исправиться никогда не поздно.

    That won't mend matters. — Это делу не поможет.

    to mend a fireподдерживать или разводить огонь

    - mend or end
    - mend one's ways
    - mend fences

    Англо-русский современный словарь > mend

  • 11 mend

    /mend/ * danh từ - chỗ vá, chỗ mạng - sự phục hồi, sự cải thiện =to be on the mend+ đang phục hồi sức khoẻ, sắp khoẻ lại * ngoại động từ - vá, chữa, sửa chữa, sửa sang, tu bổ, tu sửa =to mend socks+ vá bít tất =to mend a broken chair+ chữa một cái ghế gãy - sửa, sửa đổi, sửa lại, chỉnh đốn =to mend one's way+ sửa đổi tính nết; sửa lại; chỉnh đốn =to mend one's ways+ sửa đổi tính nết, sửa mình, sửa đổi cách sống, tu tỉnh, cải tà quy chính - cải thiện, làm cho tốt hơn, làm cho khá hơn =that will not mend the matter+ cái đó cũng không làm cho vấn đề khá hơn * nội động từ - sửa tính nết, sửa mình, tu tính - phục hồi (sức khoẻ) =the patient is mending nicely+ người bệnh đang nhanh chóng phục hồi lại !least said soonest mended - (xem) least !to menh a fire - cho thêm củi (than) vào đống lửa (lò) !to mend one's pace - rảo bước, bước gấp lên, bước nhanh lên

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > mend

  • 12 mend

    [mend] n
    ( repair) Flickstelle f
    to be on the \mend ( fam) auf dem Weg der Besserung sein vt
    to \mend sth
    1) ( repair) etw reparieren; torn clothes etw ausbessern [o flicken]; broken object etw kleben;
    to \mend socks Socken stopfen;
    2) (fig: improve) etw verbessern;
    to \mend a situation eine Situation in Ordnung bringen
    to \mend fences ( prov) Unstimmigkeiten ausräumen, das Kriegsbeil begraben ( fig) ( fam)
    to \mend one's ways sich akk bessern vi gesund werden (a. fig) bone heilen

    English-German students dictionary > mend

  • 13 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) reparere
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) være i bedring
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) reparation
    * * *
    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) reparere
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) være i bedring
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) reparation

    English-Danish dictionary > mend

  • 14 mend

    mend [mend]
    1 noun
    (a) (darn) reprise f; (patch) pièce f
    to be on the mend (economy, situation) s'améliorer ; (ill person) se remettre, être en voie de guérison
    (a) (repair → machine, television, broken vase) réparer; (→ clothes) raccommoder; (→ hem) recoudre; (darn → socks) repriser, ravauder;
    to get or to have sth mended faire réparer qch
    (b) (rectify) rectifier, réparer;
    to mend matters arranger les choses;
    to mend one's ways s'amender
    (improve → patient) se remettre, être en voie de guérison; (→ weather) s'améliorer; (→ fracture, broken bones) se ressouder;
    familiar you'll soon mend tu t'en remettras

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > mend

  • 15 mend

    [mend] v.,n. -v 1. ndreq, riparoj, meremetoj. 2. përmirësoj; mend one's ways përmirësoj sjelljen; mend matters i rregulloj punët. 3. përmirësohem, bëhem më mirë. 4. ushqej (zjarrin medru)./-n 1. vend i riparuar. 2. ndreqje, riparim; on the mend në përmirësim.
    mendacious [men'deishës] adj 1. gënjeshtar, mashtrues. 2. i rremë, jo i vërtetë
    mendacity [men'dæsëti] n 1. të gënjyer, rrejtje. 2. gënjeshtër, rrenë
    mendicant ['mendikënt] adj.,n. -adj. lypës, që lyp./-n. lypës, lypsar; murg që rron me të lypur
    mending ['mending] n. ndreqje, riparim, meremetim; rregullim

    English-Albanian dictionary > mend

  • 16 mend

    чинить, штопать

    It is never late to mend. — Век живи, век учись. /Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

    Least said, soonest mended. — Меньше слов, больше дела

    - mend stockings
    - mend shoes
    - have smth mended

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > mend

  • 17 mend

    A n
    1 (in garment, fabric) ( stitched) raccommodage m ; ( darned) reprise f ; ( patched) rapiéçage m ;
    2 fig to be on the mend [person] être en voie de guérison ; [sales, economy] reprendre ; [company] se porter mieux ; [weather, situation] s'améliorer.
    B vtr
    1 lit réparer [car, furniture, toy, road] ; ( stitch) raccommoder [garment, fabric] ; ( darn) repriser [garment, fabric] ; ( add patch) rapiécer [garment, fabric] ;
    2 fig guérir [feelings, broken heart] ; to mend relations with améliorer les relations avec.
    C vi
    1 ( heal) [injury] guérir ; [person] se rétablir ;
    2 fig [feelings, broken heart] guérir.
    to mend one's ways s'amender. ⇒ fence.

    Big English-French dictionary > mend

  • 18 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) lagfæra
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) batna, lagast
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) viðgerð, bót

    English-Icelandic dictionary > mend

  • 19 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) []labot; []remontēt
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) atlabt
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) ielāps; lāpīta vieta
    * * *
    ielāpa vieta, ielāps; uzlabošanās; remontēt, lāpīt, labot; atveseļoties; laboties

    English-Latvian dictionary > mend

  • 20 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) (su)taisyti, (su)adyti
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) taisytis, gyti
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) susiūta/suadyta vieta

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > mend

См. также в других словарях:

  • mend — [mend] noun on the mend improving again after being weak: • The economy is now on the mend. * * * Ⅰ. mend UK US /mend/ verb [T] ► UK to repair something that is broken or not working: »They re sending someone round to mend the photocopier …   Financial and business terms

  • mend fences — phrase to try to become friends again with someone who you have argued with The object of the meeting was primarily to mend fences. Thesaurus: ending, solving and avoiding arguments and fightshyponym to start a friendshipsynonym Main entry: mend… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mend — vb Mend, repair, patch, rebuild are comparable when they mean to put into good or fitting order something that is injured, damaged, or defective. Mend basically implies a freeing from faults or defects {mend your manners} {the wound mended… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • mend your ways — phrase to improve your behaviour after you have been behaving badly for a long time She let him stay because he promised to mend his ways. Thesaurus: to become bettersynonym Main entry: mend * * * mend your ways : to change or improve your… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mend — [mend] vt. [ME menden, aphetic < amenden,AMEND] 1. to repair (something broken, torn, or worn); restore to good condition; make whole; fix 2. to make better; improve; reform; set right [to mend one s manners] 3. to atone for; make amends for:… …   English World dictionary

  • Mend — (m[e^]nd), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Mending}.] [Abbrev. fr. amend. See {Amend}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To repair, as anything that is torn, broken, defaced, decayed, or the like; to restore from partial decay, injury, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mend — ► VERB 1) restore to the correct or working condition. 2) improve. ► NOUN ▪ a repair in a material. ● mend (one s) fences Cf. ↑mend one s fences ● on the mend …   English terms dictionary

  • mend — [mend] verb [T] British I to repair something that is broken or damaged Have you mended the gate?[/ex] II noun mend [mend] be on the mend to be getting better after an illness[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • mend one's ways — {v. phr.} To reform; change one s behavior from negative to positive. * /He had better mend his ways or he ll wind up in jail./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mend one's ways — {v. phr.} To reform; change one s behavior from negative to positive. * /He had better mend his ways or he ll wind up in jail./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Mend — Mend, v. i. To grow better; to advance to a better state; to become improved; to recover; to heal. Shak. [1913 Webster +PJC] {on the mend} pred. a. recovering from an illness or injury. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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